Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Hi Everyone!

It's SKETCHBOOK TUESDAY!  Something new happened this week! I've been sketching on my computer using a Windows based program called PAINT.  My best friend Bonnie and I have been collaborating on a new project (more news later) and I remembered that she liked to draw on the computer, little cartoon like drawings and she is pretty good at it too! Recently I purchased a new laptop with Windows 8 so I wasn't sure I even had the Paint program....I Googled "paint programs for Windows 8" and found out indeed there is a Paint program on Windows 8 and all I needed to do was type in the letter P and the program should open....tada! YES!! So that's what I've been up to this week, computer sketching...it is SO MUCH FUN!! Seriously, if you haven't tried, do it! FUN FUN FUN.

Here's one of my first sketches and there will
be more to come.....

Happy Sketching! 

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