Hi Everyone!
So glad you dropped by today to get a glimpse at the new Attitude of Gratitude Journal pages! This journal is a month long project started by Bernice Hopper over at www.anattitudeofgratitudejournal.blogspot.com. We'd love for you to come and join our group!
It's simple, each day Bernice gives thought provoking questions to get you started, some video inspiration plus quotes that inspire. She even provides this in a PDF format to print out! Some people post daily to Bernice's blog page (she provides a link up tool) and others post to Facebook http://www.facebook.com/groups/509598659058041/ or here at Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/2100586@N21/. I hope you will consider joining us!
You can check out my pages in AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE JOURNAL by clicking on the tab above. I give a bit of insight to the thought process on each page and a larger detailed view. I appreciate any and all comments, however, I would ask you to be kind when commenting. It is a challenge to do these pages and an even bigger challenge to put them out there for others to see. I do hope you will enjoy them and join me each week for my show and tell!
Have a Creative Day
Thanks for the write up
Your pages are beautiful, Suzy. I am so inspired by the scriptures and beautiful drawings and colors. Thank you so much for sharing them.
Wonderful! I really love the bright colors. :)
Very nice. Love the colors too.
BTW, I tagged you in a game of blog-tag.
http://www.sylviasstitches.com/2012/11/ive-been-tagged.html to read more.
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