Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Li'l Journal Project Week 4

Hi Everyone! 

During Week 4 of the Li'l Journal Project we were asked to make a Job Time Line, do some mapping with a twist, make a diagram of our social network, remember a trip or vacation and look at magazines subscriptions. 

It was a very exciting week for me, some of the prompts we were given had me digging deep and realizing I've have a blessed life. My attitude of gratitude is renewed for the many gifts I've been given. 
Here's what I learned:   

  • God is the director of my social network
  • Blessed to be a Wife, Mom & Grandmom
  • I have a Adventurer's Heart and an Artist Soul 
  • Love to travel, but Home is where this heart resides.
  • Love magazines 

You'll get the scoop with each page if you click on the Page Tab above marked Li'l Journal Project.  Here's a Sneak Peak of my favorite prompt: 

 Ashley is taking a week's break with the journal prompts so this is a great time to play catch up on your pages or jump in and start a Li'l Journal Project of your very own! You can check it out by clicking on the link below.  I hope you will consider joining (let me know if you do!) and I promise you will have so much fun! 

Go Make Art!

1 comment:

Anne Payne said...

Cool pages! ♥ Life on the Farm, and our old neighborhood :) I went to school in that elementary bldg! My bff was right across the street from our house. Cathy Blanton, remember?