Thursday, January 8, 2015


Well hello there,

Thanks for dropping by!  Pull up a chair, grab a cuppa of something warm and take a moment to catch your breath. Now that Christmas is winding down and we're into the first week of the New Year, have you made your New Year Resolutions? Are you one to make New Year Resolutions? Making New Years Resolutions is a toss up for me, some years I do some I don't. It's not like I don't have goals, I do but I don't always make them on or before New Years Eve. But WAIT, before we start on the Resolutions for 2015 maybe we ought to reflect over the previous year and see how those 2014 resolutions worked out. of my resolutions last year was to take more classes online and to spend more time doing creative things with friends. CHECK. I signed up for three online courses and my bestie also signed up with me.  We both started out taking the same classes. 

  Neither of us finished one and the other well, it kinda fell by the wayside with other things happening in our real day to day worlds. I don't think she even started the third one and as time went on we both set aside the personal painting, drawing, etc to work on a hat knitting project for missions in Guatemala and knitting for hospital newborns, and for the homeless. 

Spending more time doing creative things with friends: Does texting your BFF every night count?  We DO discuss our on going projects and new ideas too<wink>. CHECK! There were lots of fun times with the ladies making cards to send to shut-ins and as encouragement to others in need.   I knitted my first baby sweater for little Calvin Houdini  who lives in Michigan! And there were lots of arts and crafts with Sunshine and Lollipops each week! 

 All in all, I'd say my resolutions were fulfilled although not exactly the way I had planned them.  It WAS a productive year but sometimes it doesn't seem like there is much going on at all. 
 I get lazy, truly lazy and stuck in a rut but then who doesn't?  The thing is that there is plenty to do here, not really a dull moment but it seems that way when you are going day by day.  I'm never bored for something to do!  There are plenty of projects to work on in my world.  It is sometimes difficult for me to narrow it down to one project and to keep at it until the project is done.  Does anyone else have that problem? 

 Focus.  Maybe that should be my word for the year. FOCUS. Some people pick a word each year for the entire year....I did that last year.  Last year the word was RELEASE. 

 Did pretty good RELEASING a massive amount of clutter from my house too!   Maybe it might be a good thing to have a word like FOCUS.  Just a thought.  Anyone else out there have a word for 2015? Leave me a comment with your word.  I love words.  I love positive words that encourage and strengthen others. What about you? 

For 2015 I'm getting a jump-start on the handmade gifts for next Christmas, making the list of TO-DO, TO-MAKE. How's that for planning ahead?  On the TOP of the list are two Christmas stockings, one promised to my son in law before he married my daughter.  I told him he would get a handmade cross-stitched Christmas stocking only after they were married and it would be within the first 5 years. He has asked me for the last two years.  The other stocking is for Little Calvin-Houdini; I promised they will get them for Christmas 2015.  You read it here....they will match the Gingerbread-man pattern I made for my daughter back in the '80's. The cross-stitch fabric and thread have been purchased, soon the stitching begins.  

Sorry for the rambling thoughts today. I'm going to work on focusing my thoughts and other things <grin>.  Ya'll have a nice day and please, leave me a comment and let me know what you are up to in your neck of the woods.  

Bee Creative! 


1 comment:

Carla said...

Sounds like you did pretty good to me.
My word for 2014 was accomplish and I think I did okay. I was able to cross off several things on my UFO list. This My word... hasn't come to me yet. LOL