Hey Everyone!
Happy Belated Easter! I totally failed to get my blog post done in time for Easter Week, but I trust that you all were celebrating on Sunday with family and friends.

It's the final stretch of the 31 days in March Index Card challenge. This last week proved to be another challenging one for me, mainly because it was a busy week at work and my brain was pretty tired by the time Thursday rolled around. Thankfully my Fridays begin on Thursday afternoons and I quickly revived in time to get the Easter shopping done and throw in an Easter craft with my little Sunshine and Lollipop!
We made paper plate Easter eggs and Crosses wreaths to hang on their doors! The girls were really into the crafting, cutting and gluing embellishments (a bit of chocolate helped fire them up....shhh! Don't Tell Mama! <wink wink>.

Such fun with the Little's who are not so little anymore, they are growing in leaps and bounds and doing wonderful things. Miss Lollipop has lost 3 baby teeth since Christmas and has won awards for "Best 1st Grade Colorist" (this sure makes her Mimi's heart sing). Little Miss Sunshine is doing very well in school too and is enjoying her crafting time so much she said "Mimi, that was SO much fun, please don't go! I love You SO much, You could stay here Forever"! she's the dramatic one,
if you can't tell.
I've posted Week 4 of the 31 Days of March (ICAD) challenge, just click on the link over to the right sidebar. Enjoy!
Have a wonderful week....
Be Creative!